Friday, March 19, 2010

"Originality does not mean thinking something that was never thought before; it means putting old ideas together in new ways."

The newest discoveries and inventions are all products of the thought and the originality of a spark. Every thought is a spark; if the gas is around it will become fire or else it will just glint. Originality does not necessarily mean a new thought that will drive a completely new field; it means a new way to look at the idea that preexists. As the idea is worked upon and it starts taking shape its originality comes to picture. Now if it is an improvement then working on it is worth the efforts or else discard it just by learning from it. If at all that idea is an absolutely a new one and could drive a completely new field then it becomes a future driving event. Nano-technology is the example of such an event.

Originality might not mean thinking something new but it does not refrain from thinking in a different manner. Earlier the science was explained in the form of force i.e. magnetic force, sound force, light force etc. Faraday in his early years came up with an idea of energy to explain all the forces and integrate them. Here in this incident the idea of connecting all the forces together lead him to explain the concept of energy. All the things preexisted they were just thought upon and explained. Music is also an excellent example to show how originality of thought works out into beautiful melody. There are many instruments which give out millions of different sounds. These sounds when put in their ideal place make an new composition. Here also idea of the song is original, instruments pre exist what is done is only the new way the old instruments were arranged. Daily hundreds of new compositions are created with all the instruments each different from the others.

In music the basic beats remain same but the melodies change similar is the case of science. As the knowledge in a field increases the basics become more and more prominent in the understanding of a concept. When this happens the unexplained concepts become questionable and a new explanation develops to give rise to a discovery. Today the progress of any field is dependent on the discovery or invention that takes place in the field. Any idea that sprouts does not go wasted even if it is not new it gives a chance to think about it which adds to the knowledge bank and helps in the later stage. Today all the leading companies are racing for newer ideas which will drive the future. Every day newer ideas are thought upon worked out and later thought deeper for some productivity or discarded if of no use, but the experience with it is retained.

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