Wednesday, March 24, 2010

"Laws should not be rigid or fixed. Instead, they should be flexible enough to take account of various circumstances, times, and places."

Laws are a set of rules that need to be followed by the people. Laws are made by a government or the ruling body so that a decorum of the society is maintained. Breaking the law is a punishable offence and some form of penalty is implied to the breaker. Sometimes it does happen that a glitch is present in the law which is at times taken advantage of by the law breakers to get away with it. This happens because the law is not rigid enough. But if the law is made flexible then glitches will become more prominent.

For example, a law exists that a person cannot own more than some X acre of land. Now if a person has more than X acre under his name then he has to pay extra tax, in order to save tax he keeps X with him and transfers the rest to his spouse. This way he saves the tax and the land is still with him. The government made such a law so that ownership of the land is more widespread but the loophole was evident. Had the law been cannot own more than X acres then the law would solve the purpose. There are many such examples but the point is this should not happen.

The Laws are the reflection of the society in which it would be applicable. The laws are formed taking into account all the parameters that the society stands for. For example, In Saudi Arabia women cannot move out of the house without a burkha, had it been any other country it would be highly offensive to do so. Hence Laws change as the place changes same set of laws are not applicable in two different countries or may be two different states of a same country but it is not mandatory.

The laws should be such that they do not disrupt the growth of the society in any manner in fact they should contribute to it. The law should be formulated in a way that it should be flexible enough to take account of various circumstances, times, and places. While formulating the law the various probable loopholes must be considered and rectified. As the time passes the law would become obsolete, the conditions of the society in which the law is applicable would change. Earlier in some countries same sex marriage was not allowed but observing the recent trends many countries have now made it legal to marry a person of same sex. Hence effective up gradation of law must be done as and when required.

The law must be made flexible but its flexibility should not hamper the efficiency of the law. Instead of having one law with various circumstances, times and places, the governing body of a place should formulate a law considering various circumstances and upgrade the law regularly to avoid the glitches. Being the governing body of a place they would have better idea about the society for whom the law is being formulated so more efficiently the law can be worked out.

The most vital and the hardest part of a law is its implementation. All the efforts go waste if the law is not implemented the way it should have been. The law should be strictly followed by the society and if a loop hole is found the up gradation must be speedy. Flexibility of the law must be present but not at the cost of the effectiveness of it.

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