Thursday, April 1, 2010

"The function of science is to reassure; the purpose of art is to upset. Therein lies the value of each."

Centuries ago Pablo Picasso drew a random design which later proved to be an excellent design for a helicopter, it satisfied all the aerodynamic theories but the practicality of the design was not proved. By this incident we can say that art and science are related but science is a much refined form of art. Science is based on logical reasoning, every step is calculated and the implications are predefined. The actuator for science is the word “why” on the other hand art says “why not”. Art is illimitable, having the freedom of expression; anything can be termed as art.

Art is boundless; hence anything can be expressed by the artist in any form which might be possible. Later the viewer can perceive that piece of art in many other possible ways. Art allows oneself to unshackle from the bounds of practicality and think out of the box. On the contrary, science puts limitations of practicality on art. To define the art work as a part of science thus sometimes upsets the art. Many art forms are excellent work of the artist but they fail to explain the practical aspect of the art. One of the fields where art and science come close is architecture herein; the architect can express keeping the scientific constraints intact. One of the latest architectural marvels created by Frank o Gerry is the Gaganhym Museum. It is a brilliant work of art that satisfies the laws of structural sciences hence creating the beautiful building, integrating art and science.

The best example of art giving ideas to science is the idea of the string theory given by Albert Einstein. String theory says that at the basic level all things are made of vibrating strings like the vibrating strings of a violin. Hence, music gave a theory of life to science.

Science is meticulous; it works in a specific way to be affirmative of the probable repurcurtions. Art on the other hand can unleash in any manner hence upsetting the traditional trend. When for the first time steam’s potential was observed, it was an artistic approach of the discoverer to realize that this potential can be utilized for something better. Hence upsetting the conventional way of locomotion and using steam engine. It can be said that every new discovery or invention is a piece of art as it disrupts the conventional way to suggest a better path. Observing steam’s potential was artistic but later developing an engine to harness that potential is science. Both art and science are equally important. Art allows seeing things differently and later science helps to utilize those observations for a cause. Hence, showing that both science and art are equally important.

1 comment:

  1. its a good work for sure:)

    gud luck for your exams....which book you are refering...???
